Welcome to The Queen's Meme #997 Royal Questions on Tuesday
Today I thought I'd give you 99 questions to answer in honor of the 99th meme. Just kidding! Instead, I'll give you 7 questions that just seem like 99.
Here we go.
1. Let's take that famously irritating song,
Ninety-Nine Bottles of Beer on The Wall. Tell me....What would you substitute for those bottles of beer? Your song would be "Ninety-nine ______ of ______ on the Wall."
Fill in the blanks.
2. Let's go to the 99 cents store. What do you think should be made available for 99 cents at the 99 cents store?
3. The great world of
Wikipedia tells me that scientists claim 99% of all documented species are extinct. Which remaining species in the 1% category would you really like to see extinct. And which species in the 99% category would you like to bring back?
4. Why is merchandise always priced as 1.99 or 20.99 or 50,287.99? Do they think we're stupid?
5. If you live to be 99 years old, what would you like your life to be like in that last decade?
6. Tumblr has a new blog called "
We Are The 99%" brought to you by "the people who occupy Wall Street." Everyday people are writing notes on paper about their experiences and living conditions right now. Can you identify with the 99% on this page?
7. I think armpits should get more respect than this. According to the advice of medical personnel: If your
child's temperature is more than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit measured rectally, or more than 100 degrees Fahrenheit measured in the mouth, or more than 99 degrees Fahrenheit measured in the armpit (for 4-5 minutes), he or she has fever.
Why do you think armpits are so slow to register heat?