And while you're at it, please join us for the cause of peace on Facebook by clicking the Like button below. We would love to see you there.
The Queen's Meme
A place to find memes Written by Mimi Lenox, The queen of memes
Saturday, June 19, 2021
Pick A Meme Any Meme
And while you're at it, please join us for the cause of peace on Facebook by clicking the Like button below. We would love to see you there.
Saturday, August 20, 2016
The Queen's Meme ~ The Cat Meme
Welcome to the Queen's Meme
7 Royal Questions
If you are playing, please leave a link in the comment section below.
If you are playing, please leave a link in the comment section below.
I would like to confess. About the cats.
I know it's un-American and a downright insult to my beloved Cat Blogosphere to not be a cat person but alas, I am not. Do you see the grief I put my poor dog Homer through? And he's just an internet dog!
I tried to be a cat person. Once. But I failed. Cats just don't like me. They hiss and spit and run in the other direction. Cats do not meow softly at me, they crouch in attack position and prepare the claws. I cannot retaliate because I might break a nail. Hence, I cannot even protect myself from cats. The only cats I get along with are the cats from The Cat Blogosphere. They are wonderful wonderful kitties with hoomans to look after. Of that I am sure. And none of them - yet- has spit at me.
And they sure fly some marvelous peace globes.
We shall talk cats this week. Puuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....
1. Do you have a cat?
2. What is your cat's name?
3. What makes you love cats?
4. If you are not a cat person, why not?
5. What is the funniest thing your cat has ever done?
6. Do you think you have to have a special gene to be a cat person or can a hooman be trained to love cats?
7. Do you think cats have feelings and can talk to their owners?
8. (BONUS QUESTION) The Rainbow Bridge is the place where cats go when they pass away. I think it's a lovely idea. If humans could have a bridge of their own in the afterlife, what would you name it?
BONUS POINTS! Post a picture of you and your cat.
This is my Persian Patticakes. If you go to my blog you can see me pet her. She has been sitting on my blog for ten years now. I've never had to feed her! She's not grumpy and cantankerous like Homer either. Maybe if I had a real cat like Patticakes, I could be a cat person too.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Dona Nobis Pacem ~ BlogBlast4Peace Is Today
BlogBlast4Peace aka Blog4Peace is today.
Please join us by posting a peace globe on your blogs. Anywhere! Our Facebook page is overflowing with new fans, bloggers and writers from 152 countries and nearly 5,500 fans sharing peace.
My peace post is up @ my main blog, Mimi Writes. There is a Mr. Linky list there. We would love to have all memers blogging peace. It is a bloggers movement after all. I've seen a few of your wonderful posts throughout the day and I thank you.
Peace to you and yours,
Please join us by posting a peace globe on your blogs. Anywhere! Our Facebook page is overflowing with new fans, bloggers and writers from 152 countries and nearly 5,500 fans sharing peace.

Peace to you and yours,
Sunday, September 30, 2012
The Queen's Meme
The Queen's Meme is on temporary hiatus during peace season. But I leave you with memes to play from the meme files of Queen Mimi Pencil Skirt. If you use one of my original memes below or see one floating around the Internet unattributed, please leave a comment below. Credit and a link back here would be most appreciated. Have fun!
And while you're at it, please join us on Facebook by clicking the Like button below. I would love to see you there.
And while you're at it, please join us on Facebook by clicking the Like button below. I would love to see you there.
Pick A Meme Any Meme!
99 Meme Afterlife Meme All Over The Place Beach Meme Better Late Than Never Meme Birthday Meme Blabbermouth Meme Blog Blizzard Meme Blog Outside The Box Meme Bloggingham Blues Breakfast Lunch Dinner Meme Bucket List Meme Cellphone Meme Centennial Meme Christmas Meme Christmas Meme 2 Circus Meme Coupons Cow Jump Meme Crazy Medical Meme Elevator Meme Employment Enjoyment Meme Everything and Nothing Flash Meme Games Meme Give and Take Meme Gratitude Meme Green Meme Grocery Store Meme Hokey Pokey Meme Household Meme I Don't Care Introduction to meme July 4th Meme Let's Go To Dinner Meme Light My Fire Meme Lunch Meme Meme Revival Meme Memory Meme Message In A Bottle Meme Mimi Moon Meme Miscellaneous Meme Most Annoying Christmas Meme Music Meme 101 Name That Tune Meme Never Should Meme New Word Meme Nosy News Meme Oh Baby Meme Old Memes Olympics Meme Phobia Meme Picture Caption Meme Procrastination Meme Relationship Meme Return To Sender Meme Spring Done Sprung Meme Strange Stupid Meme SuperBowl Meme The Wild Fowl Meme The 21 Meme The Album Cover Meme The American Idol Meme The Bachelor's Dating Meme The Band Meme The Bloggingham LoveShack Meme The Board Game Meme The Cat Meme The Caucus Meme The Crazy Hospital Meme The Culinary Meme The Disaster Meme The Dragon Meme The Ex Files Meme The Facebook Meme The FaceTwit Meme The Green Meme The Last Time Meme The Loud and Raucus Poetry Meme The Magic Meme The Mission Impossible Meme The Peace Meme The Peep Peep Meme The Poetry Meme The Prissy Meme The Queen's Mall Meme The Random Meme The Romance Meme The Royal Blible The Royal Wedding Pain Meme The Shopping Madness Meme The Spring Fling Meme The Strange January Meme The Tick-Tock Meme The Totient Meme The UNValentine Grumpy Meme The Valentine Meme The W Meme The Weekend Meme The What Not Meme The Woodstock Meme The You Are On Your Way Meme Totally Random Under The Covers Meme Unusual and Amusing Meme Upside Down Question Meme WBLOG TV: The Meme Weekend Meme Weird What's Trending Wheel of Fortune Meme Workaday MemeJoin us for BlogBlast For Peace Nov 4
Friday, September 14, 2012
A Queen's Meme Reprisal On A Saturday
And now...a meme from the meme files of Mimi Pencil Skirt
I've been on a short hiatus due to illness but glad to be back! Now that I've returned, let's talk about returns. Why not? I'll bet you have a lot to say about that. I know I do!
1. When is the last time you returned a library book?
2. Is there anyone you'd like to see return to your life?
3. Have you finished your income tax return?
4. Do you ever return things to the store for refund, credit or exchange? Have you had a bad experience with customer service over this issue? Tell us your story.
5. You would like to see your favorite movie named The Return of ___________________.
6. Is there something you're still waiting to be returned to you?
7. You are in a canyon. On the other side stands your beloved. You stand and shout something to him/her making a large echo. What do you want to hear in return?
8. If you could turn back and go in the reverse direction in your life, making things better for yourself and those you love, how would your journey begin?
The Queen's Meme #72 ~ Return To Sender Meme
1. When is the last time you returned a library book?
2. Is there anyone you'd like to see return to your life?
3. Have you finished your income tax return?
4. Do you ever return things to the store for refund, credit or exchange? Have you had a bad experience with customer service over this issue? Tell us your story.
5. You would like to see your favorite movie named The Return of ___________________.
6. Is there something you're still waiting to be returned to you?
7. You are in a canyon. On the other side stands your beloved. You stand and shout something to him/her making a large echo. What do you want to hear in return?
8. If you could turn back and go in the reverse direction in your life, making things better for yourself and those you love, how would your journey begin?
Monday, August 27, 2012
The Queen's Meme #128 ~ The Lunch Meme
Welcome to The Queen's Meme #128 ~ The Lunch Meme
Sometimes lunch can be so bland. Other times lunch can be a party. Today was a party day.
Let's talk bologna sandwiches.
1. What do you typically have for lunch?
2. If you work outside your home, do you pack your lunch?
3. Do you ever cheat on the scheduled "hour" for lunch at work or have you been known to stretch it just a little?
4. What is your favorite restaurant for the midday meal?
5. Are you more interested in the company or the food?
6. Tell us about your last lunch date and what made it special.
7. What is on your lunch box?
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
The Queen's Meme #127 ~ The Better Late Than Never Meme
Welcome To The Queen's Meme #127
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday
The Better Late Than Never Meme
"I'm late! I'm late! For a very important date!" Someone important said that once. He had a point. I forgot to write the Queen's meme yesterday. It happens. I shall report to the dungeon immediately for my punishment.
1. Are you always on time or just a tad late?
2. Is there someone in your life that irritates you regularly about not being on time?
3. Can you think of a time when you were late for something and it was REALLY a big deal?
5. If you were on your way to work and had five minutes to get there, would you stop in the road to rescue a crossing turtle?
6. Have you ever had to actually punch a time clock?
7. What is your standard "excuse" when you are tardy?
Now if you'll excuse me, I'll just be in the dungeon with the White Rabbit.
Monday, August 6, 2012
The Queen's Meme #126 ~ The Meme Revival Meme
Welcome To The Queen's Meme #126
As I'm editing and revising my blog at Mimi Writes this week, I ran across many many many memes. This one was passed down from blog to blog back in the year 2007. I have no idea where it started or wound up (except that I answered it once upon a time) and frankly have no desire to trace it back. It's not particularly deep. I've greatly shortened it. It's frivolous in a "homey" kind of way. You'll see. I hope you enjoy it!
P.S. Here are my answers the first time I did it. I'm warning you. There are pictures of my refrigerator...... I called it Somebody Call The Fire Department.
1. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now?
2. Are the dishes in your dishwasher clean or dirty?
3. What is on top of your refrigerator?
4. How many plants are in your home?
5. Is your closet organized?

6. Do you have iced tea made in pitcher right now?
7. What color is your toothbrush?
As I'm editing and revising my blog at Mimi Writes this week, I ran across many many many memes. This one was passed down from blog to blog back in the year 2007. I have no idea where it started or wound up (except that I answered it once upon a time) and frankly have no desire to trace it back. It's not particularly deep. I've greatly shortened it. It's frivolous in a "homey" kind of way. You'll see. I hope you enjoy it!
P.S. Here are my answers the first time I did it. I'm warning you. There are pictures of my refrigerator...... I called it Somebody Call The Fire Department.
1. What kind of soap is in your bathtub right now?

3. What is on top of your refrigerator?
4. How many plants are in your home?
5. Is your closet organized?

6. Do you have iced tea made in pitcher right now?
7. What color is your toothbrush?
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
The Queen's Meme #125 ~ The All Over The Place Meme
Welcome to The Queen's Meme #125

I'm all over the place tonight. I wrote random questions. You may give me random answers! I don't care if they're serious. I don't care if they're true. Spoof me or no. Just do the meme!!!
1. Pretend you are making a passion quilt. What would be on the center square?
2. One of those traffic cameras catches you running a red light and you get a ticket in the mail. What else did the camera catch inside your vehicle that you might not want everyone to see?
3. When is the last time you had to cancel plans?
4. What is your favorite magazine?
5. What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?
6. Have you ever worked in an office with someone who drove you crazy? What did they do and how did you handle it?
7. What is the weirdest or most unusual thing you've ever done in an elevator?

I'm all over the place tonight. I wrote random questions. You may give me random answers! I don't care if they're serious. I don't care if they're true. Spoof me or no. Just do the meme!!!
Did I mention Queen is in a bad mood? You don't want to go to the dreaded dungeon, do you?
1. Pretend you are making a passion quilt. What would be on the center square?
2. One of those traffic cameras catches you running a red light and you get a ticket in the mail. What else did the camera catch inside your vehicle that you might not want everyone to see?
3. When is the last time you had to cancel plans?
4. What is your favorite magazine?
5. What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?
6. Have you ever worked in an office with someone who drove you crazy? What did they do and how did you handle it?
7. What is the weirdest or most unusual thing you've ever done in an elevator?
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Welcome To The Queen's Meme 124 ~ The Flash Meme
Welcome to The Queen's Meme #124
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday
Let's talk rain. Some need it. Some want it to go away. I just want to stay out of it. I'm writing a separate article about this on Mimi Writes this week about my experiences past and present with rain. Since what is going on in my life is usually what comes through in this weekly meme, I'll ask a few watery questions. It's time we take rain a little more seriously. It's Pop Quiz time. (Some of the answers can be found at the bottom of this post.)
1. Scenario: You are out of town driving home with about an hour left to go on the road. Suddenly a storm approaches and you find yourself driving in a flash flood. Do you know what to do?
2. Scenario: Your car is pulled off the road by the water that is criss-crossing the highway by overflowing streams and ponds. You are swept away and find yourself in a car submerged and trapped in water. Hundreds of people drown each year in this manner.
Do you know what to do to save your life?
3. What are the rules for driving in rain conditions? Do you know them?
4. Did you know that hydroplaning can be caused and made worse by balding tires? Have you checked your tires lately?
5. Hydroplaning: Has this ever happened to you? And if it did, what should you do?
6. Cruise control when it is raining. Yes or no?
7. How deep does the water have to be to become a driving hazard?
What Happened To Me Last Year
Video: How To Escape From A Sinking Car
Tips For Driving In Rain
What To Do When Your Car Hydroplanes
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday
Let's talk rain. Some need it. Some want it to go away. I just want to stay out of it. I'm writing a separate article about this on Mimi Writes this week about my experiences past and present with rain. Since what is going on in my life is usually what comes through in this weekly meme, I'll ask a few watery questions. It's time we take rain a little more seriously. It's Pop Quiz time. (Some of the answers can be found at the bottom of this post.)
1. Scenario: You are out of town driving home with about an hour left to go on the road. Suddenly a storm approaches and you find yourself driving in a flash flood. Do you know what to do?
2. Scenario: Your car is pulled off the road by the water that is criss-crossing the highway by overflowing streams and ponds. You are swept away and find yourself in a car submerged and trapped in water. Hundreds of people drown each year in this manner.
Do you know what to do to save your life?
3. What are the rules for driving in rain conditions? Do you know them?
4. Did you know that hydroplaning can be caused and made worse by balding tires? Have you checked your tires lately?
5. Hydroplaning: Has this ever happened to you? And if it did, what should you do?
6. Cruise control when it is raining. Yes or no?
7. How deep does the water have to be to become a driving hazard?
What Happened To Me Last Year
Video: How To Escape From A Sinking Car
Tips For Driving In Rain
What To Do When Your Car Hydroplanes
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The Queen's Meme #123 ~ The Employment Enjoyment Meme
Welcome To The Queen's Meme
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday
Last week we went on vacation. This week let's talk jobs, unemployment, employment, bosses and real life stuff.
Last week was fun. But seriously, why can't we make our careers fun as well? Let's talk about it.
The Employment Enjoyment Meme
The Employment Enjoyment Meme
1. What kind of work do you do?
2. During the course of your lifetime, which job or career has been your favorite or most fulfilling?
3. Do you think it's necessary in your life to have a day-to-day "career" that is meaningful and service-oriented or do you function better in "just a job" with a steady paycheck?
4. Was there ever a time in your life when you wanted to stay home with your children instead of working, even if it meant less money in the household?
5. Tell us your worst boss story.
6. Have your ever been the boss?
Do you like this this role?
Do you like this this role?
7. What is your dream occupation?
Monday, July 9, 2012
The Queen's Meme #122 ~ The Beach Meme
Welcome To The Queen's Meme
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday
The Beach Meme #122
I love beaches. All beaches. Any beach. Anywhere. All are a slice of heaven on earth. Let's channel our coastlines, shall we?
1. When you take a vacation at the beach, what do you like to do the most?
2. You are on the beach enjoying the nice clean fresh air. The sunbather in the chair next to you lights up a cigarette. You do not smoke. You move your chair. Then the person you sat down beside lights up another cigarette. What would you do? And how many times would you move around the beach to get away from the carcinogens invading your vacation?
3. Do you think smoking should be permitted on public beaches? (see #2)
4. Have you ever encountered a shark or other dangerous animal at the beach?
5. Do you prefer hotels, condos, or cottages at the beach?
6. Describe your worst experience with accommodations at the coast.
7. Describe the best beach vacation you ever had or tell us about your fantasy beach vacation!
Monday, July 2, 2012
The Queen's Meme #121 ~ The July 4th Meme
Welcome to The Queen's Meme
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday
To our Canadian readers: Happy (belated) Canada Day! To our American readers: Happy Independence Day!
1. What are your plans for July 4th?
2. Does Independence Day have a special meaning for you and your family?
3. Will there be fireworks in your world that day?
4. What foods do you plan to eat?
5. When is the last time you went to a parade on July 4th?
6. Tell us what being an American means to you personally.
7. What is your favorite part of this holiday?
Enjoy your holiday!
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
The Queen's Meme #120 ~ The Totally Random Meme
Welcome to The Queen's Meme #120
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday
The Totally Random Meme
Description: Well, it's totally random
1. If you could have a robot that could perform any task at your disposal for a week, what would you have the robot do for you?
2. As part of your pre-planned funeral arrangement you are asked to name the bronze statue that will represent you for all eternity.
What is your bronze statue's name?
3. Remember Dolly The (Cloned) Sheep? I found her (her??) to be totally freakish. Who or what would you like to see cloned?
4. Is is always a good idea to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Tell me one good reason to lie.
5. Who or What would you like to throw into the sea of forgetfulness
6. You are with a Tea Leaf Reader. What does he/she tell you about your blog?
7. We are halfway through the year 2012 and the world has not ended. What will the Mayan doomsday people be doing in 2013, if the world does not evaporate in December?
Monday, June 18, 2012
The Queen's Meme #119 ~ The New Word Meme
Welcome to The Queen's Meme
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday
Trends can be enlightening or they can be annoying. Most of these are the latter. I looked in the infamous Urban Dictionary to find the newest lame terms in the blogosphere and world in general. Here's what I discovered.
I hope these don't eventually end up in Webster's one day. Of course, I'm soooo glad the word "blogging" finally did!
The New Word meme
1. What is planking?
2. What does the word "smosh" mean to you?
3. What is daddy soda?
4. Do you know any Facebook philosophers?
5. Do you ever call people "dude" or "bro?"
6. Have you ever had post traumatic test syndrome?
7. What are sleeping terms?
Goodnight! Enjoy the meme!
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