Warning! Deeply intellectual meme approaching.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Queen's Meme #120 ~ The Totally Random Meme

Welcome to The Queen's Meme #120
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday

 The Totally Random Meme
Description: Well, it's totally random

1. If you could have a robot that could perform any task at your disposal for a week, what would you have the robot do for you?

2. As part of your pre-planned funeral arrangement you are asked to name the bronze statue that will represent you for all eternity.
What is your bronze statue's name?

3. Remember Dolly The (Cloned) Sheep? I found her (her??) to be  totally freakish. Who or what would you like to see cloned?

4. Is is always a good idea to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Tell me one good reason to lie.

5. Who or What would you like to throw into the sea of forgetfulness

6. You are with a Tea Leaf Reader. What does he/she tell you about your blog?

7. We are halfway through the year 2012 and the world has not ended. What will the Mayan doomsday people be doing in 2013,  if the world does not evaporate in December?


apapelouca.blogspot.com said...

It was my pleasure

lime said...

i did last week's and this week's together.

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