I'm all over the place tonight. I wrote random questions. You may give me random answers! I don't care if they're serious. I don't care if they're true. Spoof me or no. Just do the meme!!!
Did I mention Queen is in a bad mood? You don't want to go to the dreaded dungeon, do you?
1. Pretend you are making a passion quilt. What would be on the center square?
2. One of those traffic cameras catches you running a red light and you get a ticket in the mail. What else did the camera catch inside your vehicle that you might not want everyone to see?
3. When is the last time you had to cancel plans?
4. What is your favorite magazine?
5. What is the riskiest thing you have ever done?
6. Have you ever worked in an office with someone who drove you crazy? What did they do and how did you handle it?
7. What is the weirdest or most unusual thing you've ever done in an elevator?