Welcome back to The Queen's Meme. Each week the type of meme will change; sometimes silly, sometimes serious, but always fun! If you'd like to be linked here as a member of the royal family, just leave a comment and of course, please link back to us. Feel free to grab a badge from the sidebar for your own blog or copy and link the image you see here.
This meme is all about using your imagination. Free your inner blogginess. Step outside the proverbial blox (that's blog + box for all you non-blog speakers). Answer these ridiculous situational questions and post them on your own blog. Here's the situation for today. We won't tell a soul. And remember:
Don't end up in the dungeon.

WBLOG TV: The Meme
The place where unbloggable news happens and sources are never a secret. You are the creator, producer, writer and news anchor of the WBLOG nightly news. It is your job to deliver the news in your own style from your own blog.
And oh, you get to make up the news! Here's your assignment:
1. The Weather Channel: Give me your personality forecast. Are you sunny, wet, windy, or cloudy? Why?
2. The News Channel: What is the breaking news story of the day in your world?
3. The Economic Channel: How are things on the economic front? And more importantly, do you have ideas to save the planet from financial ruin?
4. The Entertainment Channel: Give us the latest blog celebrity gossip. Dish it!
5. The Sports Channel: Make up a sport, give your team a name and choose five players from the list of names on the Mr. Linky list. What are the rules of the game?
6. The Comedy Channel: How will you make us laugh today? Tell us a blunny (that's blog + funny for all you non-blog speakers)
7. The Religious Channel: Make up a blog religion. Tell us why your blog church will save our souls.
8. (but who's counting?) The Soap Opera Channel: What is the name of your soap opera?
My Queen, thou scares the whiskers from thine Royal Tabby, Abby, whist this madness! The heat exhaustion I suffer hast addled my brain, I fearest. But I shall try to respond ere the moon dost rise anon.
Lady - I've driven you mad? Oh my word. I must admit these are hard. Forgive me.
I am having a very stressful week.
But I have faith that the loyal and royal subjects in my Kingdom will come forth with hysterical answers (I'm starting to talk like you now!)
I'd better just go to bed now and arise anon.
See what I mean?
Your Highness! I hath completed the assigned task! Verily, this was a hard test of mettle for an addled brain! I kiddest thou not! I DOST have the heat sickness!(seeth thou my Blue Monday posting)! And verily, why doth it seem you and I hath been the only ones conversing?
Thanks for hosting Your Highness! This was a good meme - lots of thought involved and I need a little cranial stimulation.
I tried to comment on Mys's meme and couldn't get to the comments section for some reason. If you speak to her will you let her know I look forward to watching Confessions of a Madwoman? :)
Lady - Sabotage!
This was another tough one, but it's done, Queen Mimi!
Mine has been posted for today! Many Blessings!
OH this will be fun...will start writing immediately...and that's the way it is...
yeah yeah yeah.... dungeon breakout..Thursday at 3...
Jean-Luc - You always rise to the occasion!
Mama Josephine - I shall be by to read!
I heard that Vinny...
oooooppsss i posted my entry and left my comment on the wrong meme (culinary meme). anyway, sorry for the belated posting as my deadlines here are really up to my neck. i was about to skip again but after reading the questions, i just could not resist a break. thanks for the fun. =)
finally got it posted
finally got it posted
The Anonymous Player -
1. The Weather Channel: Give me your personality forecast. Are you sunny, wet, windy, or cloudy?
Why? I'm sunny, cool, clear and sharp, perfect for enjoying time outdoors.
2. The News Channel: What is the breaking news story of the day in your world?
The plums are ripe, the strawberries are finished, and the pumpkins look like I will be able to carve my first haloween mask this year. A friend gave me some tree cuttings yesterday. A dear friend of a dear friend is in hospital with a blood clot following a cancer op, but he made it through the night and is still fine.
3. The Economic Channel: How are things on the economic front? And more importantly, do you have ideas to save the planet from financial ruin?
Economics are fair to middling, thanks for asking. Not sure it's possible to save the planet from financial or any other kind of ruin, but the best plan came from the American Nation's girlfriends, as reported by The Onion News Network: http://www.theonion.com/content/video/nations_girlfriends_unveil_new Sorry I know that's a cop-out, but it *is* funny.
4. The Entertainment Channel: Give us the latest blog celebrity gossip. Dish it!
Anonymous player revealed as Queen of England.
5. The Sports Channel: Make up a sport, give your team a name and choose five players from the list of names on the Mr. Linky list. What are the rules of the game?
It's called Naked Volleyball... choose your own teams :)
6. The Comedy Channel: How will you make us laugh today? Tell us a blunny (that's blog + funny for all you non-blog speakers)
Woman goes into a tatoo parlour, says "I want a tatoo on..."... nope, can't blog that one.... Ummm King Arthur decides to go on a crusade, but is worried about leaving Guinnivere behind, so he calls to Merlin and says.... Nope, can't do that one....Superman is bored one evening and decides ... Nope..... Two guys..... Nope. Oh dear.
7. The Religious Channel: Make up a blog religion. Tell us why your blog church will save our souls.
It's the blogentology religion, and to save your souls you have to give me all your money.
8. (but who's counting?) The Soap Opera Channel: What is the name of your soap opera?
A corner of France. A tale of a Brit who sets up home in a little-known backwater of rural France. Without going too deep, to protect the innocent and guilty alike, you just couldn't make it up... really, you couldn't. Most of it doesn't get blogged, trust me.
The Anonymous Player is the Queen of England??!
Oh dear.
How many times can I vote for myself to get out of this hell hole? Hmmm
Your Majesty,
I have linked my meme. I hope to escape the wraths of the dungeon this week and earn your forgiveness.
This looks like so much fun! I just discovered your meme from one of my blog friends. Wish I'd found it in time to do this one, but I look forward to the next one. The Woodstock one was really throwing me for a loop until I read some of the responses. This is great!
Blogginham Palace. I love it!
Must remember to sign linky. Must remember to sign linky. Must remember to sign linky.
Think I'll remember now?
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