Warning! Deeply intellectual meme approaching.

Monday, May 30, 2011

The Queen's Meme #85 ~
The Memory Meme

Welcome to The Queen's Meme
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday

Since it's Memorial Day in the states, I thought we'd talk about memories today.  It is fitting. We all have them. Sometimes they disturb us, oftentimes they make us smile. What kind of memories do you have? And will you share them with us?

1. Are you someone who keeps memory boxes and makes scrapbooks?

2. What is your most disturbing memory?

3. What is the one thing you will always remember about your childhood?

4. When you drive down memory lane for the last five years of your life, is it a happy journey or a bumpy ride?

5. What is the last thing you memorized?

"Nun's Dream" by Karl Briullov (19th c)

6. Tell us about a dream you remember.

7. On this Memorial Day is there someone you'd like to honor and remember?


Jean-Luc Picard said...

First up today!

cherrylej said...

thank you, this made me remember my childhood activities and memories with my cousins :)

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