Welcome to The Queen's Meme
7 Royal Questions on Tuesday
I trust you to be honest and not look in the dictionary for the correct answers until after you've completed your
Why did I stop at 12? Because I'm afraid of the number 13.
That's triskaidekaphobia for all you non-phobia speakers.
Identify these six common (and uncommon) phobias. You can answer rightly if you know the correct answer or spoof them all! Define the following phobias.
1. What is mysophobia?
2. Ailurophobia
3. Technophobia
4. Novercaphobia
5. Dipsophobia
6. Gymnophobia
7. Hippophobia
8. Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
9. Lachanophobia
10. Uranophobia
11. Levophobia
12. Make up your own phobia word and explain what you are afraid of.
Mysophia is my fear that I will never have a sofa in this lifetime. We have a futon but I want a sofa. Or a couch.
Ailurophobia must be a fear of being too alluring.
Technophobia. Either it's fear of technology or fear of being forced to listen to techno music. Yuck.
Nover...afraid of novacaine?
Dipsophobia must mean you are afraid to eat dip at a party, fearing there may be double-dippers in the crowd.
I'm afraid of the gym, which is what I think gymnophobia would mean.
Hippos are something to fear. Loch Ness monster fear? Regular monster fear?
Fear of the planet Uranus? Fear of being left alone?
Those weren't easy, Mimi.
My phobia? Commentophobia - fear of having one's blog comments ridiculed.
LOL LOL! I am NOT ridiculing your comment. That was hysterical, Princess Patti. Thank you for playing along!
she's back she's back she's back she's back....
good to have you back!
Thanks Coop and Lime!
Back on. Good to see you, Mimi!
I don't know about the others that are listed but I have Walmartaphobia. Don't know why, but most times I just dread going there. Perhaps too big, too noisey, too many people, too everything!
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