Today we're going to take a mini-vacation before summer gets away from us.
I hope you have fun with this!
And please, stay out of the dungeon.

Somewhere in a faraway bloggiverse on an island with a palm tree swaying in the breeze, a message bottle sits side by side with a Pina Colada and a cute little striped umbrella horizontally tilted in the beachy sand.
Did YOUR bottle make it to land? Have you checked lately?
There are now 285 bottles floating in the bloggy ocean just waiting to be mysteriously delivered to a tropical island near you. It's time you added yours!
There are now 285 bottles floating in the bloggy ocean just waiting to be mysteriously delivered to a tropical island near you. It's time you added yours!
Anonymous or not.
What message would you like to send out to the universe?
What message would you like to send out to the universe?
1. Compose a message to place in your virtual bottle below.
It can even be ANONYMOUS message.
I will not reveal your identity.
2. Right click and Save the graphic below
3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
4. Post the meme and these rules on your blog
5. Tag a minimum of five people - or your entire blogroll - to do the same.
Notify them of the tag.
2. Right click and Save the graphic below
3. Use a graphics program of your choice to place the message on the picture
4. Post the meme and these rules on your blog
5. Tag a minimum of five people - or your entire blogroll - to do the same.
Notify them of the tag.

Your virtual bottle will remain afloat in the blogosphere ocean for all blogernity (That's a Mimism for blog + eternity.)I will add it to the master list of message bottles when you let me know you've completed the meme.
I will also add it to Message In a Bottle blog with a link back to you.
How To Stay Out Of The Dungeon
Once upon a time in a faraway Bloggiverse there lived a maiden named Queen Mimi Pencil Skirt. She slayed her own dragons, stoked her own fire and well.....wrote memes by the light of the Bloggingham moon. One day a kind blogger from England noticed her meme lovin' ways and royally crowned her Mimi Queen of Memes. As time passed in the peaceful kingdom of Bloggingham, her Royal Highness found comfort in the company of fellow bloggers who also loved memes. But the Queen had a wicked disposition too. It is widely reported in historical Blogosphere archives that any and all bloggers found guilty of not completing their memes were promptly thrown into the dreaded Bloggingham dungeon.
If I were you, I'd do the meme
holy crap! i'm first! this is nuts and i've no clue why i'm playing. maybe because i have high respect for you, your HIGHNESS! and you make me laugh... but it's still nuts!
and here's a hug anyway!
Ummm....Glitterbabe....are you, by any chance, calling the Queen "nuts"??
Just askin....
But I'll take the hug.
I need one today.
Thank you!
I am throwing myself at the mercy of the court... Although I would dearly love to send another message I am having technical difficulties. Please have mercy on me Your Highness... after all I did do this meme once before :)
Glitterbabe -
Go straight to the dungeon.
Do not pass go.
Do not collect $200.
Dawn - Is this some ploy to get back into the dungeon with Thom?
ey be takin a likin to yer meme lass! A toast t'the queen er'self YARR!!
I posted mine Ms. Queen! No lashings for me!
I am confused again... am I suppose to email you this bottle? I have been at this too long and my hiney is sore...pause for a while.
Let me know if I have messed this thing up. I need help with this bottle, I am ready to get my own full bottle and start chugging.
The things we do for you!
This is such a cute Idea, Mimi at least your Meme is different every week and not the same ole thing I'l have mine in the am!
Xmichra - Cheers! And all that good stuff. smile.
Shannon - I would never do such a thing!! I'll be right there!
OH PLEASE. You seriously think I want to go back to living with the foul footed fool?
NO. In fact I have completed the meme as you wish... despite the fact that I am falling asleep at my computer.
Night Your Highness ;)
Pam - Step.Away.From.The.Bottle.
I have visited you and spoken.
Now go to bed.
Amanda - Thank you! Finally!
Dawn - Now that's loyalty.
Did you see that my bloggy people?
Neither tired, nor hurricane, nor children can stop her from completing my request.
Take that, Thom!
I hope you're happy down there all alone....
I'm going to see what Dawn hath wrought. It better be nice 'cause I'm in a cranky cranky mood.
There has never been a challenge yet I've put before you that you could not do.
Go forth and meme.
(I just love waving that sceptor around...)
I have phooshopped, and I have blogged, your majesty! It is WAY past my bed time! But I think I have found something you have been looking for. And the truth is - you CAN swim, if your just believe in yourself and the floating capacity of your Pencil-Skirt.
My Queen...I have endured. But I did this in 2 posts! First, the instructions which were emailed to approx. 50 subjects. Thus.... And second, the missive itself.... THIS WAS DELIGHTFUL, DELICIOUS, DRUID-LIKE, DASTARDLY, AND OH SO MUCH FUN!
Oh "Your Hineyness" mine is now up and posted. And BTW you buying that twit of a Dawn's excuse pffft. Ya know, her being my mentor as I'm new in this here fine kingdom, she's telling me to say some pretty ummm how do you say it, less that royal things about one said Queen. But I do as told as she tells me to say this. So what you see written, "Your Hineyness" with a real cute lookin' skirt on, is all from her :) Isn't that special :)
You know already have a Message floating about in a bottle somewhere out there? Anyway I've done another one just for you. x
I'm in....I've got to ask, though...what happened to rule #5?
Yes, it was hard. Yes, I cursed you as I was doing it. But I have sent my question out into the bloggy ocean because you told me to and I remain your humble servant.
Astute observation, Jean-Luc! And where is the Queen? Were it not for her, we would not tarry here. Should we worry? Ah, alas, that knave, Bud Weiser, is not about. Me thinks I smell a pickle in the cheese!
Astute observation, Jean-Luc! And where is the Queen? Were it not for her, we would not tarry here. Should we worry? Ah, alas, that knave, Bud Weiser, is not about. Me thinks I smell a pickle in the cheese!
Mama Josephine - I forgot my skirt had magic powers. How could I do that?
Thanks for reminding me!
Lady - I'm glad you endured and conquered the dastardly meme. I shall be there shortly to see what your hand hath wrought (I am starting to speak like you now!)
Akelamalu - Oh goodie!
Jean-Luc - I have corrected that oversight. Thanks for telling me. I'll be right over to see you creation. You did create...didn't you Jean-Luc?
Gal - Intrigue! I'm sorry it caused you discomfort. But I'm sure you did a fine job with it.
I have faith in my royal subjects!
Asta - Thank you and welcome to my meme...
Lady - Bud is AWOL this week. What is "smelling a pickle in the cheese?"
There you are, your Majesty! And I don't need to remain anonymous - why start now?!?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am pleading my Queen. I'm a good girl I am!
*note to self - point out to hubby that I am a dungeon dwelling bad girl now... this could have perks.
Where was I? Oh...
My Leaders will not be impressed that I have been captured. But I will escape!
My Queen, I beseech thee to release us! What crime hath been committed that we should endure Mr. Lance's throwing of the vermin in his cell? And the beggar, Thom, whistles what he calls,"The Beer Barrel Polka", incessantly!
I'm signing Mr Linky now so I don't forget, but my post won't be up until Thursday.
MY QUEEN, can i bleat my way out of the dungeon? Baaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!
Thom did say you like cookies... hmmmmmm... I wonder if that will work? Didn't work for him though.
i was just trying to help a loyal subject of yours, my Queen. i never intended to join him in the dungeon. now i'm in BIIIIIIIIIIG trouble as well! oh dear.... Baaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!
Oh, my Queen, my Queen! Canst you see what thou hath done to me? My Liege Picard hath crumbled in the corner straw, hath only mumbled,"Betrayal, betrayal," even as his stomach rumbled in his blessed fitful sleep. He hath sworn off all women royal-born and I canst tell his dreams run deep with wenches he hath tumbled! Oh, woe is me! Oh,woe is me! Get me out of here! It seems all I can do is speaketh in rhyme! Canst ye not see it is not my time? I'm dying here, canst thou not see? Fiddle-dee, fiddle-dee, fiddle-dee dee! Humpty-dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty dumpty had a great fall. All the king's horses and all the king's men,couldn't put Humpty together again! Picaaaard!
My Lady Hightower, does that mean we share a cell together?
Hi Mimi, Thom tagged me with your meme and I played along. I think your idea is wonderful. Thanks for hosting. Have a great week :)
Jean-Luc! Come hither, out of the darkness of the corner! We ARE already in the same cell! Thou hast been delirious and pushed me away from thee! Fiddle-dee-dee! Oh, here it comes again! One two, buckle my shoe! Three, four, shut the door. Five six, pick up sticks...Picaaard! Seven eight, lay them straight. Nine, ten, big fat hen! Help me, kind sir! NOOOOOO! My Queen! He is oogling the serving wench who brings us beans and rice...BEANS AND RICE!!! BEANS AND....RICE! NO! NO! How canst thou do this? Guards! Guards! Do not let her enter thus!! NOOoooooooooo!
Alright Mimi,
I may be the new guy, but this dungeon is driving people crazy.
look at LADYHIGHTOWER, all she can do is rhyme!
and whats with the beans and rice?
I like steak - medium rare!
Don't make me tell people what i found in you chambers on August 30th
Linda - You should never remain anonymous!
Mr. Lance - Wow! Should I be afraid?
Jennifer - Think of the perks, dear. I'm trying to do you a favor
Lance - Take me to your leader..
Travis - I am granting you special privileges this week. You know you earned it! Maybe even a pass.....
PinkLady - How was your first night in the dungeon eh? Cold, was it?
LadyHightower - Oh.The.Drama.
You are on the right blog for sure.
Jean-Luc - And I put a mint on the pillow for the two of you..
Rosidah - Glad you joined us. Please come again!
Picard - Keep your eyes off the serving wench.
I didn't even know I had a serving wench!
Lady - I'm trying to help you out here...
Mr. Lance - What must I do for you to keep this royal secret?
the cold dungeon and the endless bleating... my throat is sore... i lost my voice... my skin is dry... what is worse? the big bad wolf or the Queen? or are they one and the same? baaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!
let me out of heeeeeeeeeeeere!!!
Sorry so late, m'lady.
(That's short for "my lady," not for "malady." LOL)
I'm in.
My Queen! I beseech you! LET...US...ESCAPE! Then ye keepeth thy pride and we twill have our freedom! Picard shall say he is sorry! I knowest he will! He is a good man and I knoweth I can cure him of his roving eye! Oh, PLEEAAAAASSSE!
You put me in the dungeon unjustly when I had submitted a meme. You didn't check!!! Still, I don't mind as long as I was sharing it with Lady Hightower.
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