Warning! Deeply intellectual meme approaching.

Monday, August 30, 2010

The Queen's Meme #51 ~ The Cooking 101 Meme

It's called the Cooking 101 Meme

I could use some cooking advice. In fact, I could use a LOT of cooking advice. Would you indulge me? If you've read my blog very long you know that my kitchen disasters are legendary. I have a few culinary questions for you. Please feel free to share recipes!! (and instructions on how to decode them)

1. What is the best dish you can cook?

2. Do I have to beat eggs or can I whip them gently? Sounds so violent to me.

3. I am reading a recipe right now for Hearty Beef-n-Cheese Pie from a recipe book I dug out of the cabinet. The instructions read..."Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In large frying pan, brown ground beef, onion and green pepper."
I am already lost. Why must I turn on the oven and put the frying pan in it? And how does one turn beef AND peppers brown at the same time?!
What color should the onion be?

4. Did you ever cook something for your family that no one enjoyed and you had to throw out?

5. Why do all recipes say "mix sugar, flour and salt?" Don't they cancel out the other?

6. Why must you add eggs "one at a time" to a mixing bowl? Does anybody really know the answer to this question?

7. Please post the recipe to something you think even I can cook.
I am begging you! It is no fun being a afraid of my own crockpot.

Your Hungry Queen

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Queen's Meme #50 ~ The Back To Fools Meme

Welcome to The Queen's Meme #50
The Back To Fools Meme

For those quietly insane adults hanging around after the kids have returned to school.

The house is quiet. No more carpooling twelve kids to the mall. No more fighting over the computer and the TV. I wonder if you learned your lessons this summer. Answer the questions in complete sentences, double-spaced, typed with footnotes, annotations and a bibliography. I'll take that by Tuesday afternoon if not sooner. And please, if you have any questions, raise your hand..
There will be a pop quiz tomorrow.

1. Do you know your primary colors? Describe for me, if you will, the colors red, blue and green to a blind person. (*hat tip special friend for this most excellent question!*)

2. What was your adult summer reading?

3. When you assembled your clothes last night for today's activities - you did do that, didn't you? - what did you choose to wear?

4. What's in your lunchbox?

5. Imagine that your teacher is your fantasy crush. What would you bring her/him on the first day of school? Hmmmmm???

6. No rest for the weary. Your child's teacher just called. A big ole' bully knocked your precious one into a locker for no good reason at all.
What is your response to the principal?

7. You have been given a pair of scissors, a glue stick and copy of Entertainment Weekly. Whose picture do you cut out and who do you glue to your headboard?

8. TEN POINT BONUS QUESTION! Now that you have time to watch all those Gilligan's Island reruns, tell me....What was the Professor really doing with Mary Ann all that time they were lost in the jungle?

And remember this uplifting quote:

"If there were no schools to take the children away from home part of the time, the insane asylums would be filled with mothers."

Edgar W. Howe

Did someone just throw a spitwad at me?!!!

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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Queen's Meme #49 ~ The Watch Me Watch You Meme

Welcome to The Queen's Meme #49

It's called The Watch Me Watch You Meme. So hunker down with your spyglass and bourbon, don dark sunglasses if you choose and tell us your deep dark and guarded secrets. Or not.

1. I have given you a pair of binoculars. If you could watch anyone in the world in the act of being creative or creating something, what would you choose to watch?
2. Turn your head to the left. What do you see? Explain its significance in your life.

3. You are watching a parade. You see a float float by (they float, don't they?) with three of your favorite people on it. Who are they?

4. What do you like to watch on television?

5. Your blog is under surveillance by the Blogwatchers Association.
What are they watching for?

6. Watch out! Your greatest superstition has befallen you. What do you "watch out" for on a daily basis?

7. Have you ever "watched" at a wake in the deceased home or funeral

8. Name one thing you always want to be awake for.

9. What is the next opportunity you are waiting or watching for?

10. You are standing guard in Central Prison. It is your job to watch the prisoners online activities. What site would you recommend to someone in prison?

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Monday, August 9, 2010

The Queen's Meme #48 ~ The First Thought Picture Meme

Welcome To The Queen's Meme #48

The First Thought Meme
(sans the ink blots)

I would like to pick your brain today. Let's see what's lurking under the old cranium pot. And since I have to do TWO memes today due to my recent affliction with all things sea and I haven't finished building my sandcastle yet.... I'll make this one easy.
Here are the guidelines:

I will give you a picture. You will give me the first word that pops into your head upon seeing the image. It doesn't have to be just one word. It can be a sentence, a question, a joke, a caption, an explanation or whatEVER your gray matter conjures.
Scary. No? Don't cheat!
Just relax on Mimi's couch and do what the good Doctor Pencil Skirt says. Ready?

(They are made of chocolate. You may buy them here.)


10.Oh. I forgot to tell you. Based on my astute psychological evaluation and pencil chewing abilities, your answers could land you in my graces....or in the dungeon. Padded cell optional.

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Queen's Meme #47 ~ The 'If I Could Say Just One Thing' Meme

Reporting live from the shores of the Atlantic, we have The Queen's Meme #47.
Welcome to my beach castle.

Did you think I'd go away again and forget to post these questions? Not likely. Ahem. Well...I did that once but that's beside the point. Here I am with sand in my flip flops and a new set of questions for you. It's called the "If I Could Say Just One Thing'. If you could say just one thing to the so-and-sos of the world and in your life what would you say?

Don't think about it too much. Just write the first thing that pops in to your head. It doesn't have to be just one word.

If I could say just one thing to.......

1. Mel Gibson

2. Lindsay Lohan

3. Chelsea Clinton

4. The Pope

5. BP Oil Company

6. My ex

7. My IPOD
or computer

8. My favorite or least favorite teacher

9. My family

10. My blog (What? You don't talk to your blog?)

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish building my sandcastle.

See you soon on Mimi Writes with more pencil skirt beach reporting.
Have fun with the meme.
And pass the sunscreen......

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